Wonder Care Presents: The Kinder Guardians #2 "What Can't Your Dad Do...?" (Part 6)

Horus reveals his biggest fear is not mattering when there are other faster and stronger heroes around.  It can be difficult to feel confident in your own abilities, especially if others SEEM like they might be better.  But, just because someone else might be "better," doesn't mean that you aren't good or couldn't contribute.

I think that's one of the most important lessons for our readers to know -- beyond a shadow of doubt, always believe in what YOU can do.  Your only competition is against where you were the day before. 

 Want to own your own copy?  You can order one from my online shop at IndyPlanet.com.  

Wonder Care Presents: The Kinder Guardians #2 ($2.99)
"What Can't Your Dad Do...?"

Written by Victor Dandridge
Art by Justin Castaneda

For the third year in a row, Castor's father has been deemed the greatest hero on Earth!  But his excitement fills some of the other students with self-doubts.  Does WHOSE you are truly dictate WHO you are?

Wonder Care Presents: The Kinder Guardians created by Victor Dandridge & Justin Castaneda.  All rights reserved.  

Victor Dandridge is an award-winning comic creator and geek personality, born-n-raised in Columbus, OH (SOUTHFIELD!).  An intrepid entrepreneur, he continues to build a branding empire through his company Vantage:Inhouse Productions.



